Monday, July 9, 2012

Wednesday is the Day (I hope)

Well, plans are starting to come together! I have couches lined up and a couple dates figured out. There's gonna be some art festivals and some Appalachian Trailin'! I'm gonna check out some caves and hopefully be able to hit up the Maine Lobster Fest (supposedly it's a big deal?). Everything should be great, provided I can leave Wednesday... which means some stuff needs to get here tomorrow! Namely, the license plate for my car. It is supposedly in the mail. Here's hoping it is in the mailbox tomorrow...

I went through and decided some of the things I am bringing on this trip today, and thought I might share my giant list of things (I know, it's not at all necessary, but what else am I going to talk about without having left yet?).

I have a MASSIVE pile of books to bring. Let's look at what there is:
  • Paterson by William Carlos Williams (I have read it, but it's too good not to bring)
  • Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (again, I have read it, but it seems like the sort of thing you want to be able to read on big trips like this)
  • Selected Poems of Carl Sandburg
  • Selected Poems of Ezra Pound
  • La Vita Nuova by Dante (I just got and have just started this, holy cow it is amazing though)
  • A Sport and a Pastime by James Salter (Also just got and started this, but it could very well become my new favorite book. Some of the best prose I have ever read)
  • A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
  • Black Box by Amos Oz
  • Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau (Although I don't really agree with Thoreau, he is interesting, and it seems appropriate reading for Appalachian hikes...)
  • The Last River by Todd Balf
  • Eiger Dreams by John Kraukauer
  • Drums Along the Congo by Rory Nugent
  • No Mercy: A Journey into the Heart of the Congo by Redmond O'Hanlon 
  • Travels in the Congo by Andre Gide
  • Raga Mala: an Autobiography by Ravi Shankar
  • Mao: the Unknown Story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday (about 2/3 of the way through this, I think it's time to finally finish it off)
  • The bible, the Hebrew Bible, and a Hebrew Lexicon (just for fun)
  • Beyond Formula: American Film Genre by Stanley J. Solomon
  • An Introduction to American Underground Film by Sheldon Renan
  • Underground Film: a Critical History by Parker Tyler
Wow. OK, maybe that is too many books? Who knows. We'll see how far I can get through them...
Feel free to suggest more books if you are looking at that list and it seems like it's missing something :)

Also clothes...  obviously. 
A Guitar! and a Harmonica!
Computer and ipod of course.
Ice chest with some food and water.
An atlas.
Oh, and all four of my cowboy hats of course...

That's about it! A ton of books, not much else, really... it still feels a little extravagant (a computer on a road trip? come on...) but also everything seems pretty necessary.
So, provided that license plate comes in, I head to Houston Wednesday. So excited. So ready. Lets do this!

1 comment:

  1. Was hoping to see an update :)
    Hope you are enjoying your trip!
