Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm already broke and I haven't even left yet!!

Holy cow... making a movie is expensive!!! I mean, of course it is, right? Everyone knows that. But... wow. I was kind of hoping making a 'no-budget' film would involve... no budget! I bought a camera; then I needed to by an SD card for it; then I needed to buy a tripod; then a shotgun mic; then an adapter to hook the microphone up the the camera! I have spent more on this camera setup then I was planning to spend on the actual road trip part of the road trip!!

That being said, this is a really nice set up. Definitely the best set up I have ever been able to use! Even though it is not a pro setup, it should give me pretty close to pro quality footage!

Even though I won't at all have enough money to get a computer and program to edit the footage... but I'll deal with that when I get back.

Right now I am waiting for all the equipment to get here (I ordered it online so it might take a few days). That means that, rather then leave the 9th, I am going to push the date back a few days I am now thinking of leaving the 11th (next Wednesday) but that kind of depends on whether or not all of the stuff gets here.

Anyways, I am so excited! Every day at work I just dream of this trip. It is gonna be great. I just hope my money doesn't run out (although if it does I'll figure it out) and Wednesday gets here quickly!


  1. YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE SET UP!!! So exciting!

    1. YES!!! Well, I mean, not totally, because I don't have computer or a program to edit any footage (also I would literally kill someone for a Panasonic pancake 20mm f/1.7 lens...) but it's still way more of a setup then I really ever thought I would have!! It is sweet.
