Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Finally: An Update

Alright ya'll, I figure it's probably just about time to update everyone (I mean, it has been a good long 3 weeks since I headed out, and I have yet to actually write anything about what I have been up to!).

So, there is so much to say, and then even more than that. But what I think I am going to do is, instead of going in depth about what I have been thinking and feeling, just give a rundown of the places I have been, some of the more extraordinary things I have done, and what some of my upcoming plans are. That should keep the length of this post more manageable, and really, who wants to talk about feelings and all that junk anyways! Also, I have to save some stories -- later on I might start trading them for food!

So, on July 11th, I left Austin in the middle of a storm and drove 3 hours to Houston, staying w/ Daniel and Lindsey. So much fun! Then, the next day, took off early in the midst of a colossal storm and flooding and drove 11 hours to stay w/ Ruth and  her housemates in Atlanta. In Atlanta we climbed a small mountain and went to the Black Arts Festival (where, among other things, we talked to a professional Kalimba player/collector -- don't forget, that's the legit name for an African Thumb Piano).

A few days later, on the 14th, I left Atlanta and headed North. I had intended to find a place to camp along the road at some point and get to DC the next day, but I found out the hard way that the East Coast is not like the West Coast. There are constantly cities, and no logging roads or anything even similar!! So, not finding anything but ritzy, expensive RV parks, I ended up driving all the way to DC that night; got in about 2 o'clock in the morning.

However, how awesome is DC!? I was able to see so many monuments and museums; truly amazing stuff there. Also was able to spend some good time hanging out with Matt (and grilled/devoured the two biggest steaks I have ever seen).

Next, I drive North into New Jersey to stay w/ Brady and Carlee in Princeton. What a cool (and insanely great-looking) city. I was able to check out the magnificent architecture of the college and also drive down to Philadelphia, where I was able to see Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, and Benjamin Franklin's grave, and eat a giant, greasy Philly Cheesesteak.

A few days later and I was off to New York. Driving into New York during rush hour was definitely an experience, but I made it. New York was absolutely wonderful; spent some great time with Jake and Rachel and their friends/roommates, saw Times Square, the Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, etc. etc. (I don't think there was a single neighborhood in Manhattan I left unturned) as well as going for runs every day in Central Park and spending 8 hours in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I am in love with the city.

After that, it was up to Boston and staying w/ Madi and Colin. We packed some good sightseeing into there too, seeing Harvard and the Freedom trail, but also did some other wonderful things: we went to the beach, which was so cool! To be standing in the Atlantic ocean was pretty awesome. Even more importantly, we went to a Red Sox game at Fenway!!! Words cannot express how awesome it was to sit and watch a game in that historic park; the same place Babe Ruth and Teddy Williams used to play; the great green monster; the rowdy Boston fans. Also, it was a great game and the Sox won! Definitely one of the highlights of the trip!

Then, today, drove West to Syracuse, NY. Now the next steps I am not so sure about. I will wander around a bit I guess. I plan to go back South a bit and do some camping and bass fishing in the New River Gorge in West Virginia; it's supposed to be some incredible fishing there, and pretty secluded too. I might also head up to Canada... waiting to see if a couch materializes.

After that, going to Ohio, spending some time in/outside of Chicago, stopping by Milwaukee, and finally, the grand finale, mountain climbing in Colorado. It will be great, and I am very excited to have so much left to do!

So that is it; the  basic Sparks Notes on the trip so far. I guess this turned into a rather long post anyways...

Well, I will wrap this up by mentioning that, on this date 4 years ago, I returned from a 6 week stint of backpacking in Europe. Now I am neck deep in a North American Car Adventure. I have to say, not only have I been incredibly blessed to have these opportunities (and the right amount of crazy to pull them off), but I hope this pattern continues (and maybe even becomes more frequent)!


  1. Dude, your trip sounds incredible! AND I LOVE THE KALIMBA!

  2. Haha yeah I put that in there pretty much just for you...

  3. Gosh, Brad, you're so cool! This is amazing!
    Oh, and suggestion: maybe do a minor hike the Appalachians if you get a chance, and then tell me about it, because I've always wanted to do that!!
