Sunday, June 24, 2012

OK! I have never tried blogging before, so I am not sure if people actually read it, or care, but I figured this would be an appropriate time to start.

In the section to the right you can see the purpose of both the trip and this blog which is for documenting it! (Maybe I'll even put some footage up when I have it... but I'm not sure).

I am very excited to get out on the road and start this! Only two more weeks of work, and then I should have enough money to quit and head out! That means I am set to leave on July 9th, and return... who knows when!

I am mostly relying on people to help me out with couches to crash on during this trip... so if you are in an area or know of someone who is and wouldn't mind my company, let me know! Specifically right now I would love to be able to find a place to stay in New Orleans, Vermont, and Chicago, although I will definitely be able to make do if no one is there.

I just bought the camera I will use... it cost more than I wanted to spend but it is so nice and was highly recommended to me by someone who makes commercials for a living (he uses the camera for that job, so... it should certainly be good enough for my low-budget dreams). I am so excited to get it (it's shipping here from New York, so it will be a few days) and start filming in Austin!

Well, here's hoping that work isn't too miserable, and these two weeks are fast and (relatively) painless!